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Programming Practices MCQ

1. Which programming language is primarily used in this course for introducing programming concepts?

A. Python
B. Java
C. C++
D. JavaScript

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Answer: B. Java

2. What is the main objective of the course?

A. Learning C++ programming
B. Introduction to programming concepts using Java
C. Understanding HTML and CSS
D. Developing mobile applications

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Answer: B. Introduction to programming concepts using Java

3. What is responsible for managing the execution of Java programs and providing a runtime environment?

A. Java Compiler
B. Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
C. Java Debugger
D. Java Executor

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Answer: B. Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

4. What is the primary role of the JAVA virtual machine (JVM)?

A. Compiling Java code
B. Executing Java bytecode
C. Debugging Java programs
D. Creating Java classes

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Answer: B. Executing Java bytecode

5. What is the purpose of constructors in Java?

A. Destroying objects
B. Initializing variables
C. Defining methods
D. Handling exceptions

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Answer: B. Initializing variables

6. Which feature in Java allows a class to have multiple methods with the same name but different parameters?

A. Polymorphism
B. Inheritance
C. Encapsulation
D. Overloading

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Answer: D. Overloading

7. In Java, what is the mechanism by which one class can inherit the properties and behaviors of another class?

A. Encapsulation
B. Polymorphism
C. Inheritance
D. Abstraction

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Answer: C. Inheritance

8. What is the purpose of the “super” keyword in Java?

A. Referring to the superclass
B. Creating a new object
C. Initializing variables
D. Handling exceptions

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Answer: A. Referring to the superclass

9. Which Java feature allows a class to implement multiple interfaces?

A. Inheritance
B. Polymorphism
C. Abstraction
D. Interfaces

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Answer: D. Interfaces

10. What is the primary use of the “try-catch” block in Java?
A. Declaring variables
B. Looping through elements
C. Handling exceptions
D. Defining methods

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Answer: C. Handling exceptions

11. Which Java framework is used for handling data structures like linked lists, stacks, and queues?
A. JavaFX
B. Swing
C. Collections Framework

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Answer: C. Collections Framework

12. What is the purpose of the “LinkedList” class in Java?
A. Storing key-value pairs
B. Representing a dynamic array
C. Implementing a doubly-linked list
D. Managing a stack

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Answer: C. Implementing a doubly-linked list

13. What is the primary goal of generics in Java?
A. Increasing code complexity
B. Improving code reusability
C. Reducing compilation time
D. Enhancing code security

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Answer: B. Improving code reusability

14. What is the function of the “synchronized” keyword in Java?
A. Managing network connections
B. Handling file I/O operations
C. Controlling access to shared resources in multithreading
D. Defining generic methods

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Answer: C. Controlling access to shared resources in multithreading

15. Which Java feature is used for reading a file on a Web server and performing socket programming?
A. Networking
B. Multithreading
C. Exception Handling
D. File and Streams

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Answer: A. Networking

16. What does RMI stand for in the context of Java?
A. Remote Method Invocation
B. Runtime Memory Interface
C. Read-Modify-Insert
D. Relational Mapping Interface

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Answer: A. Remote Method Invocation

17. In the context of Java, what does JDBC stand for?
A. Java Database Console
B. Java Development Compiler
C. Java Database Connectivity
D. Java Dynamic Class

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Answer: C. Java Database Connectivity

18. What is the primary purpose of servlets in Java?
A. Handling network requests
B. Executing database queries
C. Creating graphical user interfaces
D. Enhancing code security

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Answer: A. Handling network requests

19. Which server is commonly used for deploying Java servlets?
A. Apache HTTP Server
B. Nginx
C. Tomcat

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Answer: C. Tomcat

20. What is the primary focus of Java Server Pages (JSP)?
A. Handling network requests
B. Generating dynamic web content
C. Executing database queries
D. Multithreading with GUI

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Answer: B. Generating dynamic web content

21. What is the primary purpose of the “PriorityQueue” class in Java?
A. Sorting elements
B. Implementing a stack
C. Managing a queue with priority
D. Handling file I/O operations

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Answer: C. Managing a queue with priority

22. Which Java class is used for handling key-value pairs in a properties file?
A. HashMap
B. Properties
C. TreeMap
D. LinkedHashMap

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Answer: B. Properties

23. What is the primary function of unmodifiable collections in Java?
A. Enforcing encapsulation
B. Preventing modification of collection elements
C. Reducing compilation time
D. Controlling access to shared resources

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Answer: B. Preventing modification of collection elements

24. What is the significance of the “Runnable” interface in Java multithreading?
A. Defining a generic method
B. Handling network requests
C. Providing a common protocol for threads
D. Initializing variables

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Answer: C. Providing a common protocol for threads

25. What is the purpose of the “URL” class in Java networking?
A. Managing database connections
B. Manipulating uniform resource locators
C. Controlling access to shared resources
D. Sorting elements in a collection

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Answer: B. Manipulating uniform resource locators

26. What is the purpose of the “Thread” class in Java?
A. Handling file I/O operations
B. Representing a GUI component
C. Implementing multithreading
D. Executing database queries

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Answer: C. Implementing multithreading

27. Which Java technology is commonly used for creating dynamic web applications with server-side processing?
A. JavaFX
B. Swing
C. Servlets

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Answer: C. Servlets

28. What is the primary role of the Apache Tomcat server in Java web development?
A. Executing Java bytecode
B. Handling network requests
C. Deploying Java servlets and JSP
D. Sorting elements in a collection

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Answer: C. Deploying Java servlets and JSP

29.Which Java technology is used for handling multimedia elements such as images and audio clips in both applets and applications?
A. Swing
B. JavaFX
D. Multimedia

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Answer: D. Multimedia

30. What is the primary function of the “Applet” class in Java?
A. Executing database queries
B. Handling network requests
C. Loading, displaying, and scaling images
D. Sorting elements in a collection

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Answer: C. Loading, displaying, and scaling images

31. Which method is used for animating a series of images in Java multimedia programming?
A. animateImage()
B. displayAnimation()
C. drawFrame()
D. playClip()

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Answer: C. drawFrame()

32. What is the purpose of the “AudioClip” class in Java multimedia programming?
A. Sorting elements in a collection
B. Loading and playing audio clips
C. Animating images
D. Executing database queries

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Answer: B. Loading and playing audio clips

33. What is the primary goal of multithreading in Java?
A. Enhancing code security
B. Improving code readability
C. Achieving parallel execution of tasks
D. Reducing compilation time

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Answer: C. Achieving parallel execution of tasks

34. What is the purpose of the “Thread States” in Java multithreading?
A. Representing different states of a thread
B. Sorting elements in a collection
C. Defining a generic method
D. Executing database queries

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Answer: A. Representing different states of a thread

35. In Java multithreading, what is the function of “Thread Priorities”?
A. Sorting threads based on priority
B. Managing network connections
C. Defining a generic method
D. Executing database queries

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Answer: A. Sorting threads based on priority

36. What is the life cycle of a thread in Java multithreading?
A. Start, Run, Stop
B. Create, Execute, Finish
C. Birth, Growth, Death
D. Initialization, Processing, Termination

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Answer: C. Birth, Growth, Death

37. What is the primary purpose of thread synchronization in Java?
A. Controlling access to shared resources
B. Sorting elements in a collection
C. Handling file I/O operations
D. Executing database queries

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Answer: A. Controlling access to shared resources

38. Which class is commonly used for creating and executing threads in Java?
A. ProcessExecutor
B. ThreadExecutor
C. ThreadManager
D. Thread

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Answer: D. Thread

39. What is the primary function of monitors and monitor locks in Java multithreading?
A. Sorting elements in a collection
B. Controlling access to shared resources
C. Handling network requests
D. Executing database queries

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Answer: B. Controlling access to shared resources

40. What is the primary focus of networking in the context of Java?
A. Sorting elements in a collection
B. Manipulating URLs
C. Handling file I/O operations
D. Executing database queries

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Answer: B. Manipulating URLs

41. Which Java technology is used for accessing databases and executing SQL queries?
A. JavaFX
C. Swing
D. Servlets

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Answer: B. JDBC

42. What is the primary purpose of the “ResultSet” interface in JDBC?
A. Representing a GUI component
B. Sorting elements in a collection
C. Handling network requests
D. Retrieving data from a database

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Answer: D. Retrieving data from a database

43. In the context of Java, what is a relational database?
A. A database used for sorting elements
B. A database that supports relations among tables
C. A database used for multimedia processing
D. A database used for network programming

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Answer: B. A database that supports relations among tables

44. What is the primary purpose of the “Stack” class in Java Collections Framework?
A. Sorting elements in a collection
B. Implementing a queue
C. Representing a last-in, first-out (LIFO) data structure
D. Managing network connections

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Answer: C. Representing a last-in, first-out (LIFO) data structure

45. What is the significance of the “Queue” interface in Java Collections Framework?
A. Sorting elements in a collection
B. Implementing a last-in, first-out (LIFO) data structure
C. Representing a first-in, first-out (FIFO) data structure
D. Handling file I/O operations

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Answer: C. Representing a first-in, first-out (FIFO) data structu

46. What does GUI stand for in the context of Java?
A. General User Interface
B. Graphical User Interface
C. Graphic Unit Interface
D. Global User Integration

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Answer: B. Graphical User Interface

47. Which Java class is commonly used for loading, displaying, and scaling images in multimedia programming?
A. ImageLoader
B. ImageProcessor
C. ImageDisplay
D. ImageIcon

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Answer: D. ImageIcon

48. What is the primary function of the “Collections” class in Java Collections Framework?
A. Sorting elements in a collection
B. Implementing a linked list
C. Handling network requests
D. Executing database queries

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Answer: A. Sorting elements in a collection

49. What is the purpose of the “fill” method in the Collections class?
A. Filling a collection with specified elements
B. Sorting elements in a collection
C. Executing database queries
D. Handling file I/O operations

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Answer: A. Filling a collection with specified elements

50. In the context of Java Collections Framework, what is the primary purpose of the “reverse” method?
A. Reversing the order of elements in a collection
B. Sorting elements in a collection
C. Executing database queries
D. Handling file I/O operations

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Answer: A. Reversing the order of elements in a collection

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