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UML and OO Analysis MCQs

1. Which of the following is not a primary notation used in UML diagrams?
a) Class
b) Object
c) Package
d) Function

Answer: d) Function
Explanation: UML primarily deals with modeling classes, objects, packages, and their relationships rather than functions.

2. In UML, what does a dashed line with an arrow represent?
a) Inheritance
b) Association
c) Dependency
d) Aggregation

Answer: c) Dependency
Explanation: A dashed line with an arrow indicates a dependency between two elements, where changes in one element may affect the other.

3. What does a <> stereotype imply in UML?
a) A class that can have only one instance throughout the program.
b) A class that has multiple instances.
c) A class with no instances.
d) A class with abstract methods.

Answer: a) A class that can have only one instance throughout the program.
Explanation: Stereotypes in UML modify the meaning of elements. <> stereotype implies that the class can have only one instance throughout the program.

4. Which UML tool is known for its support of code generation and reverse engineering?
a) Rational Rose
b) Poseidon
c) MagicDraw
d) StarUML

Answer: c) MagicDraw
Explanation: MagicDraw is a UML tool known for its strong support for code generation and reverse engineering capabilities.

5. What is the key difference between conventional and object-oriented analysis approaches?
a) Conventional analysis focuses on procedural programming, while object-oriented analysis focuses on objects and their interactions.
b) Conventional analysis is outdated, whereas object-oriented analysis is modern.
c) Conventional analysis doesn’t consider data structures, while object-oriented analysis does.
d) There is no significant difference between the two.

Answer: a) Conventional analysis focuses on procedural programming, while object-oriented analysis focuses on objects and their interactions.
Explanation: Conventional analysis emphasizes procedural programming techniques, while object-oriented analysis focuses on modeling objects and their interactions.

6. In requirement analysis, what is the primary goal?
a) Designing the user interface
b) Identifying stakeholder needs and constraints
c) Writing detailed code
d) Conducting system testing

Answer: b) Identifying stakeholder needs and constraints
Explanation: Requirement analysis aims to understand and document stakeholder needs and constraints before proceeding to system design.

7. Which diagram in UML is used to represent user interactions with the system?
a) Class diagram
b) Sequence diagram
c) State diagram
d) Component diagram

Answer: b) Sequence diagram
Explanation: Sequence diagrams in UML depict how objects interact with each other in a particular sequence, often representing user-system interactions.

8. What does an activity diagram in UML primarily represent?
a) Static structure of the system
b) Dynamic behavior and flow of control in the system
c) Deployment of system components
d) Interaction between objects

Answer: b) Dynamic behavior and flow of control in the system
Explanation: Activity diagrams in UML illustrate the flow of control within a system, focusing on dynamic behavior rather than static structure.

9. In UML, what does an analysis class model primarily represent?
a) The implementation details of classes
b) The behavior of objects in the system
c) The static structure of the system
d) The requirements and constraints of the system

Answer: d) The requirements and constraints of the system
Explanation: Analysis class models in UML primarily represent the requirements and constraints of the system, focusing on identifying classes and their relationships based on analysis.

10. What does an aggregation relationship in UML signify?
a) Strong ownership, where the aggregated object cannot exist independently.
b) Weak ownership, where the aggregated object can exist independently.
c) Inheritance relationship between classes.
d) Association relationship between classes.

Answer: b) Weak ownership, where the aggregated object can exist independently.
Explanation: Aggregation in UML represents a “whole-part” relationship where the aggregated object can exist independently of the whole. It signifies weak ownership.

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