Articles by Team EasyExamNotes


SQL | DDL, DML, DCL COMMANDS Structured Query Language(SQL) is the database language which is used to perform certain operations on the existing database and … Read more

Database applications

DATABASE APPLICATIONS Facebook Amazon eBay Microsoft Access Wikipedia YouTube Airlines ticket systems IRCTC Flipkart Snapdeal

History of DBMS

HISTORY OF DBMS In the 1960’s the first DBMS was developed at IBM and was originally called IMS, written for the Apollo program. In the … Read more

Characterstics of IOT

CHARACTERSTICS OF IOT1) Intelligence IoT comes with the combination of algorithms and computation, software & hardware that makes it smart. Ambient intelligence in IoT enhances … Read more

IOT Internet of Things

IOT: Internet of Things Unit 1: Introduction: Definition,  Characteristics of IOT,  IOT Conceptual framework,  IOT Architectural view,  Physical design of IOT,  Logical design of IOT,  … Read more