CMM stands for Capability Maturity Model.
The CMM provides a set of best practices for software development and maintenance that organizations can use to improve their software development processes.
The CMM is organized into five levels of maturity:
1. Initial Level: At this level, the software development process is ad hoc and unstructured. There are no formal processes in place, and the success of the project depends on the individual efforts of the development team.
2. Managed Level: At this level, the software development process is characterized by a set of defined processes that are repeatable and predictable. Project management processes are put in place to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.
3. Defined Level: At this level, the software development process is well-defined and documented. Standard processes are followed throughout the organization, and there is a focus on continuous process improvement.
4. Quantitatively Managed Level: At this level, the software development process is measured and controlled. The organization collects data on the software development process and uses this data to improve the process.
5. Optimizing Level: At this level, the software development process is continuously improved based on feedback from the process itself and from the stakeholders. The organization focuses on the development of new and innovative processes and technologies to improve the software development process.