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Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of synchronous and asynchronous transmission.

Synchronous Transmission:


  1. Lower Overhead: Synchronous transmission involves less overhead because it doesn’t need to send additional control bits for synchronization, resulting in greater overall throughput of data.


  1. Complexity: Synchronous transmission tends to be a bit more complex since it requires synchronization between the sender and receiver.
  2. Costlier Hardware: The hardware required for synchronous transmission tends to be more expensive, primarily due to the need for synchronization mechanisms.

Asynchronous Transmission:


  1. Simplicity: Asynchronous transmission is simpler because it doesn’t require precise synchronization between sender and receiver.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness: Hardware for asynchronous transmission is generally cheaper since it doesn’t require a clock for synchronization.
  3. Fast Setup: Asynchronous transmission setups are very fast, making them suitable for situations where messages are generated irregularly.


  1. Higher Overhead: Asynchronous transmission involves a higher overhead because it needs to send control bits along with the data, resulting in a larger proportion of transmitted bits being used for control rather than useful information. This can reduce the overall efficiency of data transmission.

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