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What is stack ? Give the organization of register stack with all necessary elements and explain the working of push and pop operations.

A stack is a data structure that follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle, meaning the last element added to the stack is the first one to be removed. Imagine it like a stack of plates, where you can only add or remove plates from the top of the stack.

In the organization of a register stack you provided, there are four main components:

  1. Stack Pointer (SP): This register holds the address of the top of the stack. It’s like a pointer indicating where the next item will be added or removed.
  2. FULL register: This register indicates whether the stack is full or not. If it’s set to 1, the stack is full.
  3. EMPTY register: This register indicates whether the stack is empty or not. If it’s set to 1, the stack is empty.
  4. Data Register (DR): This register holds the data to be pushed onto the stack or the data popped off from the stack.

Now, let’s explain the PUSH and POP operations:

PUSH Operation:

  • First, you check if the stack is not full (i.e., if FULL = 0).
  • If the stack is not full, you increment the Stack Pointer (SP) to move it to the next available position.
  • Then, you write the data from the Data Register (DR) into the memory location pointed to by the Stack Pointer (SP).
  • After that, you check if the stack is full now. If the Stack Pointer (SP) reaches its maximum value (e.g., 63 in this case), you set the FULL register to 1 to mark the stack as full.
  • Finally, you set the EMPTY register to 0 to indicate that the stack is not empty anymore.

POP Operation:

  • First, you check if the stack is not empty (i.e., if EMPTY = 0).
  • If the stack is not empty, you read the data from the memory location pointed to by the Stack Pointer (SP) into the Data Register (DR).
  • Then, you decrement the Stack Pointer (SP) to move it to the previous position.
  • After that, you check if the stack is empty now. If the Stack Pointer (SP) reaches 0, you set the EMPTY register to 1 to mark the stack as empty.
  • Finally, you set the FULL register to 0 to indicate that the stack is not full anymore.

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