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Describe icon animation and audition.

Icon animation and audition :
Animation :

Icon Animation: Icon animation involves making icons on a computer screen appear to move instead of staying in one place. There are two main types of animation: static and dynamic

  1. Static Animation:
    • In static animation, an icon’s appearance remains unchanged over time and only changes when a specific system event occurs.
    • For example, the open door of a mailbox may close when an electronic message is received.
  2. Dynamic Animation:
    • Dynamic animation involves icons that move independently of system events, representing functions, processes, states, or state transitions.
    • For instance, an icon might start moving to illustrate an action when a pointer is moved close to it.
  3. Purpose of Animation:
    • Animation is used to offer feedback and create visual interest in the user interface.

Audition :

Audition (Sound Feedback): Audition involves incorporating sounds into the user interface for various interactions with objects on the computer.

  1. Sounds for Interactions:
    • Objects produce sounds when touched, dragged, bumped, opened, activated, or discarded.
  2. Auditory Icons:
    • These are computer sounds mimicking everyday events. For example, the sound of a printer’s mechanism when it starts printing.
  3. Feedback and Information:
    • Sounds convey information about events, such as the size of a file or the speed of an ongoing process.
  4. Examples of Auditory Feedback:
    • The sound of a large file could indicate its size.
    • Dragging an object over a surface produces a sound related to that surface.
    • The speed of a process is reflected in its corresponding sound.
  5. Application in Computing:
    • Auditory feedback is useful for conveying information about interactions, ongoing processes, and modes.
    • It aids in navigation and supports collaboration among users.

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