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Describe the importance of good design.

Important of good design :

User-Friendly Experience: Think of design as the way we arrange and present information on a computer or phone screen. If it’s well-designed, users can easily understand and interact with the system. It’s like a clear window that shows them what the system can do.

Getting Stuff Done: The design is not just about looks; it’s the way we organize tasks on the screen. Important things like making a purchase or getting information should be easy to find and do. Design is the vehicle that helps us do these crucial tasks.

Business Impact: A good design isn’t just about making things pretty; it affects how a business interacts with its customers. If the design is effective, it can improve customer relations and, ultimately, the company’s profits.

Avoiding Confusion and Mistakes: Imagine a badly designed screen – buttons all over the place, confusing layouts. It’s like a messy desk; you can’t find what you need, and you might make more mistakes. Good design helps avoid this and keeps things organized.

Keeping Users Happy: Bad design can frustrate people. If a website or app is confusing, it might drive users away. It’s like going to a store where everything is scattered and hard to find – you’d probably leave and never come back.

Reducing Stress: A well-designed system is like a well-organized workspace. It reduces stress by making tasks clear and simple. On the other hand, a poorly designed system can make people feel stressed and annoyed.

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