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Describe the design goals in creating user interface.
Design goals in creating a user interface are :
- Aesthetically Pleasing:
- Contrast: Make sure that different parts of the screen stand out from each other.
- Groupings: Organize similar elements together for a cleaner look.
- Alignment: Keep everything in order and lined up neatly.
- 3D Representation: Create a sense of depth for a more engaging experience.
- Color and Graphics: Use colors and images effectively, keeping it simple and meaningful.
- Compatibility:
- User Compatibility: Understand and meet the needs of the user or client.
- Task and Job Compatibility: Design the system to match the tasks required for the job.
- Product Compatibility: Consider the habits and expectations of users from other systems or earlier versions.
- Comprehensibility:
- Understandable Flow: Arrange the system in a logical and easy-to-understand order.
- Clear Clues: Provide strong hints on how different elements operate.
- Obvious Steps: Users should easily grasp the steps required to complete a task without reading lengthy explanations.
- Consistency:
- Uniformity: Ensure that the system looks, acts, and operates consistently.
- Same Result for Same Action: Performing the same action should always yield the same result.
- Stable Functions: The functions of elements should remain constant.
- Standard Element Positions: Keep the position of standard elements consistent throughout the interface.