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Give the characteristics of discretionary user

General Characteristics:

  1. Not Essential Use: The user does not absolutely need to use the computer or system for their tasks.
  2. Lack of Technical Interest: Technical details are not of interest to the user; they are more focused on their job tasks.
  3. Minimal Effort Investment: The user may not be willing to invest extra effort to use the system; simplicity is preferred.
  4. Low Motivation: High motivation to use the system may not be present; they may not see significant benefits.
  5. Potential Disenchantment: There’s a risk that the user might easily become disenchanted if the system is not user-friendly or doesn’t meet expectations.
  6. Encouragement Needed: Voluntary use might need encouragement, as the user may not be naturally inclined to adopt the system.
  7. Heterogeneous Culture: Users come from diverse backgrounds or cultures, requiring consideration of varied preferences and needs.

Business System-Specific Characteristics:

  1. Multifunction Knowledge Worker: The user is likely a knowledge worker involved in various functions within the organization.
  2. Non-Essential System Dependency: The job can be performed without relying on the system; it’s an additional tool rather than a necessity.
  3. Unexpected System Use: The user may not have initially expected to use the system for their tasks.
  4. Unprepared Career Path: The user’s career path might not have specifically prepared them for using the system; it may be a newer requirement in their role.

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