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Explain focus group. What are steps in setting up a focus group ?

A focus group is like a small discussion party where a bunch of users (usually 8 to 12) get together with a moderator to chat about a particular topic, like product requirements or ideas. The aim is to dig into their experiences, attitudes, beliefs, and desires, to see how they feel about things.

Now, focus groups aren’t great for figuring out how users really go about their daily tasks or identifying usability issues with a product. They’re more about getting opinions and reactions.

Setting up a focus group involves a few steps:

  1. Define Objectives: Know what you want to achieve from the session. Are you exploring user preferences, opinions, or reactions to a new idea?
  2. Pick Participants: Choose people who represent your typical users. You want a diverse group that can provide varied perspectives.
  3. Script it Out: Prepare a guide for the moderator to follow. This helps keep the discussion on track and ensures you cover the important topics.
  4. Find a Good Moderator: Get someone skilled to lead the discussion. They need to keep things focused, make sure everyone gets a chance to speak, and navigate group dynamics.
  5. Flexibility is Key: Let the moderator adapt. Sometimes the best insights come from unexpected directions.
  6. Take Notes: Document the discussion well, and consider recording it for backup. This helps in analysis and ensures you don’t miss any crucial points.

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