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Describe the principles of user interface.

Principles of user interface design :

  1. Extension of the User:
    • Think of the interface as a personal assistant that understands and responds to your needs.
  2. Reflect User Capabilities:
    • The system should work in harmony with what users can do, matching their abilities and preferences.
  3. Enhance Efficiency:
    • The interface should make tasks quicker and easier, improving efficiency compared to previous methods.
  4. User-Friendly and Enjoyable:
    • Using the system should be a positive experience, making tasks enjoyable and providing a sense of accomplishment.
  5. Connector and Separator:
    • Acts as a bridge connecting users to computer power while also preventing any potential harm to either party.
  6. Physical and Psychological Impact:
    • User frustration might manifest physically (like hitting a keyboard), while the system’s impact is more on the user’s confidence and self-esteem.

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