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Discuss about the term ‘Distinctiveness’.

Clear Differences: Distinctiveness means making sure that different things on a screen look clearly different from one another. You don’t want elements to blend together.

Separation and Contrast: To make things distinct, you can use space between them (separation) and differences in color or brightness (contrast). Think of it like putting a little space between items on a shelf and using different colors so you can easily see each item.

Easy to See: Everything on the screen should be easy to notice and tell apart. It’s like making sure each button on your remote control is easily recognizable so you don’t press the wrong one.

Enough Space: Distinctiveness also involves giving each element its own space. Imagine organizing your room – you wouldn’t want your bed touching the walls or other furniture; you need some space around each item.

No Touching: Elements like buttons or borders shouldn’t touch the edges of the screen or each other. It’s like making sure your keys don’t get stuck together in your pocket.

Colors that Stand Out: If you use different colors on your screen, make sure they’re really different so you can easily see the boundaries. It’s similar to using bright and dark colors on a map to show different areas.

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