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What are the benefits of good design ?

The benefits of good design :

Efficiency: Good design helps users complete tasks faster and with fewer mistakes. Imagine using a well-designed app where everything is clear and easy to understand – you get things done quickly.

Decision-making: Well-designed screens make it easier for users to make decisions. If information is presented in a logical and organized way, it takes less time for users to figure out what to do.

Success and Speed: Redesigns based on good design principles improve the success rate of completing tasks and make the overall process faster.

User Satisfaction: Websites or apps that are easy to use and navigate have a higher rate of user satisfaction. People are happier when they can easily accomplish what they came for.

Training Costs: If a system is well-designed, it’s easier to learn. This means training new employees on how to use it takes less time and money.

Support Costs: A well-designed system results in fewer people needing help. This reduces the costs associated with supporting users through calls or messages.

Employee Happiness: When employees find their tools easy and pleasant to use, it reduces frustration. Happy employees are generally more satisfied and productive.

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