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Describe ordering of screen data and content.

Ordering of screen data and content :

  1. Organizational Goal: The aim is to reduce the amount of information users need to remember at once.
  2. Logical Arrangement: Arrange information in a way that makes sense, making it easier for users to grasp.
  3. Prioritize User’s Needs: Put the most important information first, based on what users typically expect or need.
  4. User Expectations: People develop expectations about how to find information or perform tasks. Align the design with these expectations.
  5. Speed and Efficiency: Meaningful organization allows for quicker navigation and a smoother user experience.
  6. Website Design: In web design, clear organization enhances the development of a user-friendly navigation system.
  7. User-Friendly Navigation: Clear organization helps users easily find what they need and predict where links will take them.

Ordering Schemes:

i. Conventional:

  • Follow established conventions and customs for ordering elements.

ii. Sequence of Use:

  • Arrange information in the order it’s commonly used or received, like addresses or chronological events.

iii. Frequency of Use:

  • Group most frequently used information first, followed by less commonly used items.

iv. Function or Category:

  • Group information based on its purpose or common parameter, like grouping all insurance-related details together.

v. Importance:

  • Arrange items based on their importance to the user’s task or need, with crucial information placed prominently.

vi. General to Specific:

  • Order information from general to specific, particularly when there’s a hierarchical relationship. Common in website organization.

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