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What are the different types of windows ?
Types of windows:
- Primary Window:
- The main window you see when you open an app or start an action.
- It has the essential menu bar and basic controls.
- Acts as the foundation for the app’s commands and data.
- Secondary Window:
- Additional windows that can be related or independent.
- Dependent ones open based on a command in the main window.
- Independent ones can be opened on their own.
- Dialog Boxes:
- Boxes that pop up to complete an action in a specific context.
- They can be triggered by a button click or system conditions.
- Always appear from another window.
- Property Sheets and Property Inspectors:
- Show properties of an object in different ways.
- Property sheets display all properties, often in a separate window.
- Property inspectors show commonly used properties dynamically.
- Message Boxes:
- Pop-up windows displaying messages about a situation.
- Provide information or alerts.
- Palette Windows:
- Secondary windows with sets of controls.
- Distinguished by visual appearance (images, colors, patterns).
- Shorter title bar with only a close button.
- Pop-up Windows:
- Display additional information or context-sensitive help.
- Don’t have standard components like title bars and close buttons.