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Discuss measures against DNS attacks.

Measures against DNS attacks :

Digital Signatures and Certificates:

  • Imagine digital signatures and certificates like special stamps on letters. They ensure that the information you receive is authentic, like knowing a letter is from a trusted friend.

Regular Software Updates (Using BIND):

  • Think of software updates like getting the latest superhero gear. By using the newest version of BIND, you have the best tools to protect your website, just like superheroes need the latest gadgets.

Installing Patches and Fixing Bugs:

  • Patches are like band-aids for software. They fix small problems (bugs) to keep everything running smoothly. Regularly applying these patches is like keeping your computer healthy with regular check-ups.

Data Replication in Multiple Servers:

  • If you have copies of your important files in different places, it’s like having spare keys. If one set gets lost or damaged, you can use the backup set. This helps avoid losing data if one server has a problem.

Blocking Redundant Queries:

  • Imagine blocking redundant queries as having a security guard at your door who checks if the person is really who they say they are. This prevents fake or suspicious visitors from causing trouble.

Limiting the Number of Queries:

  • Think of limiting queries like a restaurant menu with only the most important dishes. This ensures that your system doesn’t get overwhelmed with too many requests, similar to a chef not being able to handle too many orders at once.

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