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Explain SSL encryption. What are the steps involved inSSL server authentication ?

SSL Encryption:

Purpose: SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is like a secret code for the internet. It keeps your information safe by encrypting it, making sure that even if someone tries to spy, all they see is a jumble of letters.

Goals: SSL has three main goals – Privacy (keeping things private), Authentication (making sure you’re talking to the right person), and Data Integrity (making sure your information doesn’t get messed up during transmission).

Privacy: SSL encrypts your data, turning it into a secret language, so even if someone tries to listen in, they can’t make sense of it.

Authentication: SSL makes sure the devices talking to each other are really who they say they are. It does this through a handshake, like a secret greeting between devices.

Data Integrity: SSL also adds a digital signature to your data, ensuring it hasn’t been tampered with on its way to the destination.

SSL Server Authentication Steps:

Client Asks Nicely: Your device asks the server to let you in, and it also sends a certificate (like an ID card) with a secret code.

Server Checks ID: The server looks at the certificate and checks if it’s from a trusted authority. If not, it’s like the server saying, “I don’t know you,” and access is denied.

Valid ID Check: The server makes sure the certificate is still valid by checking things like expiration dates. If it’s expired or canceled, sorry, no entry.

Secret Handshake: You sign a secret message with your private key (like a special handshake), proving you’re the real deal.

Handshake Verified: The server checks your signature using the public key from your certificate. If it matches, congratulations, you’re in!

Access Granted: Now that the server knows you’re legit, it can decide what parts of the system you’re allowed to use, granting access accordingly.

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