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What is email security ?

1. What is email security?

  • Email security is like a virtual lock and key for your email account. It involves using different techniques to keep your emails safe from unauthorized access and to make sure the content of your emails is protected.

2. Who does it help?

  • It helps individuals or organizations to make sure that no one can sneak into their email accounts without permission.

3. What does it include?

  • Email security uses various tricks and tools to keep your email service safe. It’s like having a set of bodyguards for your emails!

4. How does it stop bad emails?

  • Think of it as a bouncer at a club. It uses firewalls and special filters to make sure only the good, trustworthy emails get into your inbox. It kicks out the ones that look suspicious or could harm your computer.

5. What about SSL and TLS?

  • SSL and TLS are like secret codes for your emails. They make sure that when you send or receive emails, nobody can peek at them while they’re traveling over the internet. It’s like sending your emails in a locked, invisible box.

6. So, what’s TLS doing?

  • Imagine if your email was a secret letter. TLS is the magic spell that turns your normal communication channel into an encrypted, super-secure one. It’s like turning your letter into an invisible message that only the intended recipient can understand.

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