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Write a short note on hybrid cryptosystem.

Secret Key: First, you create a secret code (symmetric key) just for this letter. This key will lock and unlock the message, but you want to share it securely.

Lock the Letter: You use the secret code to lock the letter (encrypt the message). This makes it unreadable to anyone who doesn’t have the secret code.

Double Protection: Now, to send this locked letter to your friend, you want an extra layer of protection. You get a special padlock (asymmetric key) that only your friend can open.

Lock the Secret Code: You use your friend’s special padlock to lock the secret code (symmetric key). Now, even if someone intercepts the letter and the special padlock, they still can’t open it because they don’t have the secret code.

Send the Locked Letter and Padlock: You send both the locked letter and the special padlock to your friend. Anyone who tries to open the letter will be stuck without the secret code.

Unlocking Process: Your friend receives the letter and first unlocks the special padlock using their own private key (the key only they have). Now, they have the secret code.

Open the Letter: With the secret code, your friend can now unlock and read the letter, discovering your original message.

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